

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

Welcome to the Massive Open Online Course on inclusive education. It is free of charge and directed mainly to  students or newly qualified teachers. It has been produced by the team delivering Inclusive Schools 2 (Inscool 2) project. Through this course you will gain a confidence in your everyday teaching in the classroom with diversed group of learners. You will explore and reflect on: the concept of diversity as a usual part of life; what it means in relation to learners in the classroom; how to use the richness of diversity in the classroom to engage learners in learning, and in the school as a whole to engage learners in the community; some of the challenges diversity can bring; and the teacher’s role in addressing these.



  • 0 – Introduction to the InScool 2 MOOC
  • 1 – Exercises on Self-reflection and connections with the group
  • 2 – Theoretical basis & Core concepts
  • 3 – Basic Tools and Resources
  • 4 – Understanding the Context
  • 5 – Inclusive approaches
  • 6 – Whole school approach and open schooling
  • 7 – Classroom Practices: Reenactments, success and successful failures


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The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This website and the information it contain will not be updated after July 2023, as the project is closed.

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