


Our first training for INSCOOL II project

Last weekend in the beautiful city of Krakow, we began our first training for INSCOOL II project. During these two days, the participants had the opportunity to learn more about our initiative, take their understanding of inclusivity to the next level, and maybe most important learn how to work with children in practice. Special topics were among others: hosting an inclusive environment, managing diversity at school and including parents in the process, prevention of exclusion, and development of empathy among students and teachers.

The group included not only teachers and headmasters but also intercultural assistants. They are people who are employed by the school management in the position of teacher's aide and are especially important at the moment for the Polish educational system. Their help in welcoming Ukrainian children is invaluable and much needed. The assistants were very happy to learn new ways to involve their pupils in school activities.

We were hosted by a special place that values inclusivity as much as we do, Utopia Home-International Empathy Center. It is a project carried out by the Łaźnia Nowa Theatre from Cracow. Łaźnia derives its best qualities from Nowa Huta, such as honesty and industriousness, openness, and trust. At the same time, it cherishes the memory of the difficult history of this district and its residents’ difficult present. The projects carried out by Bartosz Szydłowski and Małgorzata Szydłowska, owners of the Home, are mostly social and participatory undertakings. Amateurs from Nowa Huta take part in performances and get on stage with professional actors. In this way, Bartosz Szydłowski and Małgorzata Szydłowska create a space for sharing experiences, which leads to situations that often push both sides out of their comfort zones.

During the training, everybody was involved and wanted to learn as much as possible to carry it out later in their school. The practical activities helped break the ice. They especially enjoyed the workshops that had artistic activities. They involved making some collage posters in order to visualize important points and performing short skits, which the place we were in, inspired them even more. The breaks were spent on spiritual conversations and an exchange of experiences. A supportive atmosphere allowed for a very productive time and participants didn’t want the weekend to end.

If you also want to learn more about inclusive education, get practical tips on how to involve every student in the learning process, and meet like-minded people who might give you a new perspective for your work, we encourage you to participate in our next training. It will take place in Warsaw, Poland in March 2023. All educational professionals, feel invited!


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The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This website and the information it contain will not be updated after July 2023, as the project is closed.

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